Never done that before

It was a great weekend here in Madison.  The sun was shining and all the cards aligned for a perfect workout weekend.  Saturday was a nice 10 mile run, and Sunday was an hour in the pool followed by 3 hours on the bike (50 miles).

I guess in some ways I’m lucky having never done an Ironman before.  For one, I can read all I want, but I really have no idea what’s in store for me.  I don’t have war stories of how much it hurt at this mile, or how warm/cold/windy it was that one year that made life miserable.

Instead, I have these little milestones and tiny victories.  50 miles?  No big deal if you’ve done 112.  But for me, that’s the farthest I’ve ever gone on a bike by far.  I did it, and that makes me happy and keeps me going.  See, I’ll get to experience that a lot this summer, always something new, always something I’ve never done before, and always proving to myself that I can do it.

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