Build and Rest

Last week was our big ‘build’ week, with lots of running and biking (a few swims too).  It was a pretty crazy week, which culminated in my first real ‘brick’ (bike followed by run) on Saturday, and a really difficult 50 mile ride on Sunday.  I think the 15 mph winds and 35 degree temps had something to do with it being difficult!  The ride was on most of the ironman loop (but not all), and it still kicked my butt.  All I could think of was, “what did I get myself into?”  So, with my new found respect/fear of the bike course, I’ve got less then four months to pull it together.

This week is our ‘recovery’ week, with much less of an exercise load than last week.  I’m finding that I like to rest a LOT during recovery week, and am skipping a few more workouts than I should.  But it feels so good after a build week.  🙂


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