Today I got to be a Narwhal






But before we get to that, there was yesterday…  It was my first time around the full Ironman loop that goes from Verona, to Mt Horeb, to Cross Plains, and back to Verona.  I started in my old neighborhood, as my son had a play date with the old neighbors.  It’s not too far off the loop, and before I knew it, I was into the hilly, rolling course that is Wisconsin.  The last time I was on it, we only did half a loop, and I thought for sure it would kill me.  This time I was able to do the full loop (note that Ironman consists of two loops), without too much trouble.  Although I wasn’t brave enough to go around a second time.  We’ll save that for next time.  I did however encounter a large thunderstorm that popped up from out of nowhere.  It poured just long enough to soak me and the bike.  But more importantly, the roads.  I’m still not that confident in the saddle, so there were definitely a few moments there going down some hills where I was gripping those brakes with white knuckles.  But, other than some wet shoes, it all turned out ok.  Attached a pic of the storm after it passed.


Now, for the Narwhal…  Today was our first open water swim.  Yes, it’s June, and I still haven’t been in the lake.  Not only that, but it was 49 degrees this morning with a 15 mph wind.  Not exactly perfect conditions for my first swim.  But, we stayed in some waist-deep water and took a few turns swimming back and forth in groups.   My group was the Narwhals..  🙂  It’s funny, but stupid little things like that make the freezing cold water (and air) not so bad.  Overall, I did ok, but I think I have my work cut out for me.  At least (I told myself), the conditions couldn’t get much worse than this, so if I could swim this morning, I could swim any time.  I need to work on my breathing, and slowing down.  Everyone else seems much faster than me in the water.  But, if I try and keep up, my breathing goes up, which makes my heart rate go up, which makes my breathing go up, which quickly leads to me wondering what the hell I am doing in the water.  So, slow and steady and I should be fine.


Next week is my first triathlon, the Capital View Tri.  I’m doing the olympic distance one, and I know I can handle the bike and run.  But I am a little worried about the swim.  Guess we’ll find out!!



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