I’m a Triathlete!

Yesterday I completed the Capital View Triathlon, Olympic distance in 3:07.  I’m a triathlete!

I had been watching the forecast for days, and it wasn’t looking good.  By Saturday morning, they were calling for thunderstorms all night with a 60% chance of thunderstorms during the day.  Not very conducive to swimming, biking, and running.  So, by Saturday afternoon, I was disappointed, but yet a little relieved that I probably not be swimming a mile the next morning.  By Saturday night, the forecast kept getting better and better, and by bedtime, I knew I was going to race the next day.

So, I made it to transition and got setup nice and early.  Everything was fine…until I saw the lake.  HOLY CRAP, that buoy was way the hell out there!  Not only that, but the swim course was a triangle, so I had to swim 3 times that distance.  I stood there for a bit, in shock.  Then it was time to get in the water.  Still in shock.  Then the horn blew and we were off.  Overall, it wasn’t as bad as I thought, and I actually did better than I thought too.

The bike was good, about what I expected.  No surprises there.

The run was a bit rough.  It was 6.4 miles of trail running.  Very hilly, grassy, and a bit warm by the end.  I was a little slower than I had hoped, but I finished without walking it.  Dunno if I could go another 6.4 though!

So, overall, I couldn’t have asked for a better triathlon for my first one.  The people were super friendly and the course was pretty good.  Although, my Mom says that it smelled.  Maybe that was just me.



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